
Wednesday, 14 May 2014

"Nigeria Will Not Negotiate With Boko Haram"- David Mark

The Senate President, Mr David Mark, reacting to the recent the recent demand of Abubakar Shekau, the leader of the Boko Haram insurgent group on Tuesday in Beijing said that Nigeria would not negotiate with the islamists or any other terrorist group. The islamists demanded that the kidnapped school girls would be released on condition of prison swap. Shekau had made the demand in a recent video he posted online. ``Nigeria will not negotiate with terrorists under any circumstance. If we negotiate with
them, they will get a few more people and then we begin to negotiate again. ``You do not negotiate with criminals, you do not negotiate with terrorists. We are going to bring the girls back safe and sound, every effort will be made to rescue them. ``For a criminal to parade himself and be asking for negotiation, I think that is the height of insult on any nation," he said.

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