
Wednesday 9 April 2014

‘Biggest nation in Africa’ status meaningless if Nigerians are poor – NLC


Nigeria Labour Congress has said the declaration of Nigeria’s economy as the biggest in Africa is meaningless, especially when majority of its citizens live in poverty.
A statement by the NLC Acting President, Promise Kanayo Adewusi, said an improved GDP will only make meaning to Labour if it translates into improved living conditions for the ordinary Nigerian, which is not the case at the moment.
According to him, living conditions in the past couple of years
have been progressively nosediving and pathetic.

The statement reads in part: “On Sunday the 6th of April, 2014, the Honourable Minister of Finance and Co-ordinating Minister of the Economy, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala informed the country that the outcome of a rebasing exercise conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics in conjunction with other agencies has placed Nigeria’s GDP in 2013 at 89.22, making it the largest in Africa, a position previously occupied by South Africa.”
“The Honourable Minister, for good measure, added: “We did not set out to become the biggest economy in Africa. We set out to measure how much the economy has changed. And that is the outcome. Becoming the largest economy on the continent is a positive development, but that is not the destination.”
“The National Planning Commission Minister, Mr Bashir Yuguda, on his part, had vouched for the credibility of the exercise, saying it was “rigorously and professionally” executed.
NLC said as cheering as the news may be, it is not completely swayed by the GDP figure.
“Nigeria being the biggest economy in Africa ought to make no news if vital national statistics such as population, natural resources etc were to form the requisite assumptions for assessment.
“Similarly, economic growth without jobs and food on the table, means nothing in reality. The unemployment figures are frightening. We have found it necessary to warn time without number that the army of the unemployed youths constitutes a veritable army of the disparate, the desperate and the angry, and that government should urgently address the problem.
“So far, nothing has illustrated this fear better than the recent Immigration recruitment exercise tragedy. We therefore do not need any Economist or Diviner to tell us that life has improved, because it has not.
“A GDP could not be said to have significantly improved if our industries are virtually shut and operating environment increasingly hostile. Government should worry that the performance index of industries dropped from 46.08% to 25.81% while service industry more than doubled to 50 % from 23.03%. This certainly represents a significant change in the economy, a negative change that points to consumption to the exclusion of production.
“As we commend the government for achieving the feat of economic rebasing, we urge it to ensure this figure translates into improved living conditions, jobs, revival of industries and improvement of internal and national security. For those will be the measurable indices and indicators of an enlarging and progressive economy.”

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