
Friday 23 May 2014

Do Not Destroy The Military – Gen Minimah Begs

The Nigerian Army has been under a deliberate and concerted effort by some individuals, bodies and organizations to tarnish the good image of the Nigerian Army which so far has remained the pride of the nation. These groups and their international collaborators are trying hard to portray the Nigerian Military as corrupt with myriad of problems and challenges ranging from morale of troops, equipment and troops welfare. These are smear campaigns calculated to undermine the numerous achievements and corporate existence of the Nigerian Army. The Nigerian Army as one of the binding forces of the unity of our country is far from being weak and ineffective. Isolated cases which normally occur during
operations such as the one in the North East should not be taken as the norm.  These operational cases occur elsewhere as in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The alleged activities of few faceless individuals do not serve national interest at this time when concerted efforts are required from all patriotic Nigerians to defeat terrorism in all its ramifications.  Let me therefore, use this forum to again remind all that the Nigerian Army has performed creditably well in all operations and assigned tasks. The records of its excellent performances in peacekeeping and peace enforcement operations as well as internal security operations serve as reference point and are still being celebrated today by other armies and nations.
It is also a well-known fact that terrorism and insurgency are normally global phenomena which usually require military, political, economic and social cooperation and actions among allies. Recall that the 9/11 Terror Attack on the World Trade Center in New York USA led to the global war on terror and that despite the array of sophisticated weapons and technologies that were employed by perhaps the largest coalition of world armies, the war has lasted till date with debatable outcomes and has even gone beyond its original theatres.
I make bold to say that the Nigerian Army is steadily and surely reversing the ugly menace of terrorism and insurgency in the North Eastern part of this great nation. The efforts of the military have been in-line with global best practices and in consonance with the constitutional provisions as well as respect for human rights and dignity.  The Nigerian Army will continue to perform its duties regardless of these unnecessary distractions by demeaning individuals who see nothing good in their government or country.
The Nigerian Army categorically affirms that all troops pay and allowances are paid as at when due and including the month of May 2014.  Therefore, I am appealing to all that if there are any factual cases of corruption or dereliction of duty against the Nigerian Army, any officer or soldier, such reports should be made available to the authority rather than blanket accusation. The Nigerian Army avers that it is not a perfect organization as such where factual allegations are received, they would be promptly investigated and decisively acted upon with visible results.  To that end, the Nigerian Army welcomes constructive criticism which will surely result in better service delivery to its people.
The Nigerian Army is fighting a war on terrorism. The Boko Haram Terrorist is allied with Al-Qaeda in the Maghreb (AQIM) and other extreme terrorist organizations in neighbouring countries.  The war on terrorism is a global war that evokes citizens civic responsibility. Nigerian citizens have a role in this war. The Nigerian media have a role in this war. No country in the world diminishes its armed forces. The media in those countries uphold their national security first. It appears a section of our media derides our national security. If a section of our media and sympathizers of Boko Haram Terrorists propagate the invincibility of the terrorists, to whose good does it achieve? If a section of the Nigerian media is used to discredit her armed forces, who will prosecute the war? There needs to be a change in the media’s handling of this war on terrorism.

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